We humans share a special bond with our pets and our choice of pets often reflects aspects of our personalities. This group is dedicated to those beings who journey partially with us on this plane and often precede us beyond the veil.
  • Dr. Nelson Harrison

    The Group icon is Jerry Betters' pet lion. Jerry was a Leo so his choice of a pet is not at all surprising.

  • CWR (Fan of Culture)

    Man its been some time since I seen a picture of Kitty, before I comment further, would any know the person with a original or copy of this or any other pictures of "KITTY." I'm sure Jennifer (daughter) would love to have them to add to her father’s collection..... This, kitty, is the name of Jerry’s Cat. It seems to be one of the more memorable animals Jerry had, among others were of course his Great Danes& the love for his Boxers. I have got a few replies to my “Portrait of Jerry“, and most remember either riding it Jerry’s car with these huge dogs staring at them or tales of how Jerry solved problems with neighborhood pets courtesy of his Danes.
  • CWR (Fan of Culture)

    Is it ok to be a fan of Jazz and place our "pet" pitcures up? If so I got a FEW ....
  • Dr. Nelson Harrison

    In case you are curious the group icon is Jerry Betters' pet lion Kitty.
  • Dr. Nelson Harrison

    This is my last and favorite pet King Frederick III who departed this life in 1982 at 13.5 yea

  • Dr. Nelson Harrison

    King Frederick III loved his jazz.

  • CWR (Fan of Culture)

    Jerry's Love for animals rubbed off ona lot of people, his respect for thier power was , respectful. His Daughter was taken the lead and become a sought after experts in animal care/training in our area. Just to show you a few of the Animals that she rasied please check out the next few picutres... This is Teddy bear a Male St. Barnard, 3 yrs approx 190 pds. He is my youngest sons protection and play mate.

    This is Thor "god of Thunder" His is my oldest sons protection and playmate

    The next few picture are the others that have taken up home here at Clear Water. Some times a huge pain but sometimes the best of friends....
  • CWR (Fan of Culture)

    Here are a few images that go with the below comment. A picutre of teddy today. I have to add the cats birds chickens turtles and all the other things that have passed through these doors...I have to comment that when the music gets loud they get down, either it be being bounce around with us or screaming about it being to loud...:)

  • CWR (Fan of Culture)


    My cat is always around when I chant because he loves the rhythm .And he loves to dance with me to all forms of music ;especiallly jazz. He likes to purr to the beat. So do I.
  • Anne Annie Friedland

    MY CAT IS THE BEST!!!! He is so beautiful and he loves me to death. I rescued him 4 years ago. I don't know how anyone could abandon such a beautiful animal. He loves soft jazz but hates loud music of any genre. He actually kisses me. The only problem is that some musicians are allergic to cats and can't rehearse

    Let us all give thanks for our beautiful furry friends and pets alike. And for the Pgh Jazz Network.