Ok, we have 41 members and it is almost January. Can we find one day to have a planning meeting- I could use four volunteers to lead a panel discussion on the future of music at Westinghouse and in Pittsburgh in general. Please reply with input soon!
We need to create a plan to save music programs in our schools. We are starting with Westinghouse because so many great musicians have started there.
At Westinghouse, the band only consists of a few students and a good group of drummers and flags and majorettes. But they are all kids who really want to do something and they deserve the help of every adult out there. If you can play, mentor a musician. If you can't, mentor a majorette. We need a core team of adults willing to help these kids raise money for new uniforms. We need to show this principal how important this city thinks the music department is, and push for resources for music from the administration. Can we get a fundraiser going? The first meeting is Thursday evening at Westinghouse school 6:00 PM. More will follow. Pittsburgh's school music programs used to be on fire! Billy Strayhorn, etc, hit the music scene from Westinghouse! Pittsburgh's club scene used to be on fire! Anyone see a connection? Please help me get this going. Children who are taught to play music and love music grow up to be adults who play music and support the music scene.
So, who can play and march next to these kids in the African American Heritage Day Parade? Oh, yeah, and the first football game is Saturday, and the powers that be did not give our kids a band camp.
Who can be a Musical Mentor?
Who can help with team fundraising?
Who can play a fundraising concert?
Who can think of something else to contribute?
Step right up. Right, Left, Right, let's play the Alma Mater!
Richard King
How about putting a group on Facebook?
Great Work Maryellen!
Aug 25, 2009