Save the Music Program at Westinghouse High School

Ok, we have 41 members and it is almost January. Can we find one day to have a planning meeting- I could use four volunteers to lead a panel discussion on the future of music at Westinghouse and in Pittsburgh in general. Please reply with input soon!
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  • Kevin Amos

    Why don't you encourage folks to come to the music conference on the 16th. We need to see those young people.
    Need a table to disribute information?
  • Ricco J.L.Martello

    Well We need to do a story on this sorry I have not been on here for a while and didnt see the invite the last time I was please for give so what is the status on the music program, wh is it being thrown out? Who is doing this sorry I do have a lot of Questions but I feel we could do a story on this depending on the status and the where abouts of the program now is there an out cry from students??? Parents??? please let me know or 412 583 6901
  • Ricco J.L.Martello

    Hey check out the story I wrote on Roy Ayers and Tom Brown