WOW! Another grandchild on the way, Congrats! Would love to see some pictures of Hannah and how she's grown. I'd like to come down in mid April for a few days for a memorial service for a dear friend who was a great Jazz supporter. I'll let you know when that time gets closer so we can get together. Be well Betsy,
Please give my love to Jaime and her little ones. They have no choice but to be smart, beautiful and talented. Is she still writing? does she have time? ;-)
Michele Bensen
Love, Michele
Feb 25, 2008
Dr. Nelson Harrison
Feb 25, 2008
Michele Bensen
Feb 27, 2008
Dr. Nelson Harrison
So nice to see your smiling face and be able to reach you this way. How's my girl doing? Still writing?
Feb 27, 2008
Dr. Nelson Harrison
Please give my love to Jaime and her little ones. They have no choice but to be smart, beautiful and talented. Is she still writing? does she have time? ;-)
Mar 3, 2008