Bob Karlovits

, Male

Profile Information:

About Me:
I've been in Pittsburgh almost my whole life, with the exception of three years away early in the career. I am a Central Catholic and Duquesne graduate and the son of a steel worker. That's rather Pittsburgh-like, eh?
Artist or Fan

Comment Wall:

  • Dr. Nelson Harrison


    We are very happy to have you as a member. Please participate at whatever level you like. I invite you to join the discussion group of CD & Concert reviews. You will find some feedback on your article re: the Living Legends of Jazz Series sponsored by the Pgh. Cultural Trust.
  • Dr. Nelson Harrison

    When you do, I'll feature you on the Member page. It's nice to have the media represented. You'll find quite a bit of research that isn't otherwise available in this network.
  • Devorah Segall

    Hi Bob
    So glad to see you here.
    I started a blog to open a discussion about what has happened to the Pgh Jazz clubs. Wonder what your thoughts are
    Thanks for supporting the music all these years
  • Devorah Segall

    Thanks, Bob
    I agree with you.
    I posted your comments onto the blog
    "What happened to the Pgh Jazz clubs?" on my page.
    I hope something positive happens.
    blessings Pgh!