Matt Ferrante

, Male


United States

Profile Information:

Pittsburgh Connection
Bourne and raized
Favorite Pittsburgh musicians/performers
Eric DeFade, Eric Kloss, Eric Spaulding, Eric Soesoff, Eric Byers.

Really - anyone named Eric. :)
Favorite Jazz Radio or media station
Favorite Pittsburgh Jazz Venue
The Balcony. RIP
About Me:
Band leader : Modern Times
Head of Performing Arts Department : The Ellis School
Artist or Fan

Comment Wall:

  • Dr. Nelson Harrison

    Welcome Matt,

    How's that for a pun? ;-) Thanks for joining. Please use this page to expand your market and post your news, audio, video, comments, etc. Click on the "Member's" button and add some friends.
  • Janelle Burdell

    Wow! Another looooong time bro'! How are you? Back in town workin on solo projects, etc. We should catch up sometime. stay warm ~ janelle
  • Mark Koch

    Hi Matt,
    Hope all is well w/ you. I still have the tux shirt, in case of I get married again, just kidding.
    I was going to put the grey shadow of me in photo shop and put a smiley face on it.
  • Jeff Lashway

    Hey Matt! I still have my tux shirt too...unwashed. It reeks of the Macerena.
  • Matt Ferrante

    Are the armpits yellow?
  • Tony Janflone Jr

    Hey Matt :-)
    I hope that all is well with you and your family .
  • Deb Weible

    Hi Matt! Ran into your Dad & Mom last Sunday! Blast from the past! Hope you are well,
  • Angela Abadilla

    Hi Matt!! Miss being on the High School level and hanging out with you at PMEA stuff. Let me know when you're playing out where I can check you out again. Angela Abadilla
  • Eric Spaulding

    We need more musicians named Matt in Pittsburgh. There are too many Eric's...