L'Tanya Williams


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Artist or Fan

Comment Wall:

  • Dr. Nelson Harrison


    Did you join again or did you delete you earlier page for some reason?
  • Dr. Nelson Harrison

    Ok. I'll delete your old page. thank you for persisting. Please invite some of your friends to join. We are shooting for 500 members by 6/30. See you at the Clubhouse.
  • CWR (Fan of Culture)

    Thanks for adding my name to your friendly list. Hope to see you out and about.

  • Benjy Myaz

    L'Tanya Williams
    Thanks for the add..
    One Love
    Benjy Myaz
  • Luther DeJarunett

    Hi L'Tanya! Thanks for accepting my friendship. I've heard nothing but good things about your talent. I look forward to meeting you, and maybe working together one of these days!
  • James R. Meny

    I heard about a new Jazz venue in the Pine Tree Shoppes in Wexford at the D'vine Wine Bar and Lounge. They only are listing one show booked in January so maybe that would be an opportunity for some musicians to contact this merchant for bookings