poogie bell

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  • Dr. Nelson Harrison

    My Man,

    Welcome aboard. Your Drummer network is the bomb. Appropriate description since Klook started dropping them. Just trying to keep up .
  • Janelle Burdell

    Yo! Poogie!!!!!! Thanks. You've inspired me beyond words; I look forward to sharing more grooves with you soon. ciao, -j
  • Rhadha Sewell


    I was told by Nelson Harrison that I should introduce myself to you. I am the daughter of Tommy Sewell (bass) who played on your fathers live concert album recorded 1963 Charles Bell Trio in concert. Im please to introduce myself and would like to request any thing you would be able to share about your memories of our fathers. If you would be willing to share any photos you may have I would be grateful.

    I actually a few years ago I spoke to your father a couple times. I was on a mission about 15 years ago on doing alot research about my fathers musical experience. Your dad at that time actually did send me a copy of the album on cassette. That cassette was lost years ago from a fire I had. I havent had a copy since. My father actually wrote the song on the album Tommy's Blues. If you have any copies of that album I would like to get a copy. Please let me know. My father died 1-19-78, I was twelve at the time. I have had a rocky distant relationship with my own mother and have lost contact with my father side of the family . I am going to dedicate my page to him I am trying to obtain any and all information i can. I look forward to comentary from people that remember. I am so totally excited. Hope to hear from you. i would appreciate your imput. Thanks to Mr. Harrison i am blessed to know him. He met for the first time when I was 3 years old.

    be in peace
  • John Hall Jr

    whats good poogie, hope all is well wit cha!!!
  • Dave Yoho

    Hey Poogie. I've heard nothing but great things about your drumming. I'm determined to make it out, to check you out one of these days. Peace. Dave Yoho (The Blues Orphans)
  • John Hall Jr

    yeah bro cool and tell bobby sparks I said what's up aight. hope to catch you on the road soon!
  • Rhadha Sewell

    Hello Mr. Bell

    When was the last time you talked to your dad? Do you think that he be willing to provide a copy of that album do you think? I would love to put my dads song on here. He wrote the song on there Tommy's Blues. Do you think I can list the songs from the album on here with out issue?
  • Carlos Peña

    hi Poogie, i met you at a session a while back and told you i'd bring you a burn of your dad's live trio record. Well i made the copy but haven't managed to run into you. I know you're busy... if you want, let me know when you'll be playing locally and i'll try to stop in. I'm also going to message Ms. Sewell since i notice she's been asking about this record.
    Carlos Peña
  • Rhadha Sewell

    Hello Poogie

    This is Rhadha, again, how are you I really hope one day to meet you. OMG thanks of course to Carlos Pena, I have what I have only been dreaming of. Another copy of that album. But better than ever its on a CD. Carlos has this in own private collection. It is awesome to hear it again. I must ask you a queston thou. Do you think its okay that i upload any of it on this site. Im new at that type of thing. Let me know your thoughts. This album is so nice. It needs to be heard. I know that I would definantley put my fathers song on here. I guess that would be okay for now. Please if you can send me a comment. Thanks a ton...
  • A. Darrell Dunning

    Hey Poogie, met you at Marcus' clinic at Chucks in DC June 07. Good to see you here. I'll be picking up Get on the Kit soon.