Lori Jenaire


studio city, ca

United States

Profile Information:

Favorite website
Pittsburgh Connection
The fabulous Luther DeJarunett
Favorite Pittsburgh musicians/performers
Luther DeJarunett, Nelson Harrison
About Me:
Vocalist, Songwriter, Producer
Artist or Fan

Comment Wall:

  • Dr. Nelson Harrison

    Welcome Lori,

    I thought you were already a member but perhaps that was on another network. so glad to see you here and hopefully the next time you are in the Burgh we can hook up.
  • tim max

    HELLO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Randy Williams DOSE

  • tim max

    very pleasure be your friend .a hugs
  • Randy Williams DOSE

    call me my number is the same i got a neww phone so i lost all numbers so much to catch up on
  • Jerry Butler

    Please checkout my page!!!!...I would love to hear more about "your" business!!!!...If I am not your friend...please add me as your friend...also please feel free to contact me "anytime"!!!!!.....757 538 0821....757 971 3733...Jerry Butler I would love to feature "you" as my guest on my show..If I am not your friend..please add me...also please call me @ the offc at 757 538 3540...757 538 0821 for details...click on the banner below to be a guest...Jerry Butler

  • Randy Williams DOSE

    im lovin the cd ! very proudof you. i was watching a movie the other day and stay stong came on and i was like hey i know that song! hope you got paid for it! i was so proud and excited for you &luther at that moment. you are one of the greatest song writers ive ever met and your vocals ! your the best .cant wait to work with you again. by the way im soppose to be in nashvile in sept give me a call i would love to see you. so much to catch up on...
  • Brother Black

    Lori..thanks for being my friend ! Just love your music.
    On your Bio ....I noticed 2 magic words....Phyllis Hyman..
    If you ever play Pittsburgh..let me know..
  • Luther DeJarunett

    Lori Jenaire with Boney James