PMT Studio

69, Male



Profile Information:

Favorite website
Favorite blog
Pittsburgh Connection
invited by some of Pittsburgh's finest
Favorite Pittsburgh musicians/performers
to many to list really
Favorite Jazz Radio or media station
i make the material played on the radio and my favorite is live to broadcast currently trying to get WMBU a feed from our local Talent on Vancouver Island
About Me:

Welcome to PMT Studio

Vancouver Island has great opportunities to offer everyone. There are many artists in our communities ranging from musicians, digital artists, wood crafts, and much more. Many people with great talents reside here and outlying areas that would only amaze those who heard or saw their art. Petulli Music & Technology would like to extend a helping hand in bringing the possibility of publicity and sharing with others what talents we have here. We, as a community, need to support those who bring excitement and life to this area. Not only will this help the local talent, it will enable the youth to have an outlet of quality activities available to them. This in turn can allow the community relief that youth will be able to do something productive and creative for all to enjoy. I had the opportunity to record great artists in the past and over 25 years experience developing skills in studio applications. Currently used in our setup is the M-Audio Pro Tools running on a MAC G5 with the Project I/O interface.

Artist or Fan
artist, fan, industry professional, media

Comment Wall:

  • Dr. Nelson Harrison

    Welcome Vid,

    Thanks for coming over and bringing your very creative spirit and unique perspective to our side. I'm sure you'll make many friends and fans here.
  • PMT Studio

    I remastered "Sunset Lane" and "Dreams In The Air" last night sorry but you can re-post them on your player now they are better sounding Sacha redid the bass as well thanks for your patience!
  • Ða†Âm맙†

    Su cuerpo resonaba en el espejo
    vertebrado en imágenes distantes:
    uno y múltiple, espeso, de reflejo
    reverso ahora de inmediato antes.

    Entraba de anterior huida al dejo
    de sí mismo, en retornos palpitantes,
    retenido, disperso, al entrecejo
    de dos voces, dos ojos, dos instantes.

    Toda su ausencia estaba -en su presencia-
    dilatada hasta el próximo asidero
    del comienzo inminente de otra ausencia:

    rumbo intacto de espacio sin sendero
    al inmóvil azar de su querencia
    ¡estatua de su cuerpo venidero!

    click the Picture
  • Ða†Âm맙†

    Quiero dibujar un poema
    en tu cuerpo desnudo
    con las yemas de los dedos
    partiendo desde tu nuca

    Cada vertebra es un verso
    con el que te canto mi amor
    tus costados estribillo
    de deseos muy humanos

    Y escribiendo me deslizo
    suavemente por tu piel
    susurrando lo que escribo
    para que lo sientas tambien

    Al llegar a tus caderas
    no puedo evitar besarlas
    y entra la linea de tus gluteos
    entretenerme un ratito

    Acariciando esas curvas
    besandolas despacito
    asoma timido tu sexo
    promesa de placeres deseados

    Y mojando mis dedos en el
    firmo el poema escrito
    mientras un escalofrio
    recorre todo tu cuerpo

    Te giras, complacida
    llena de amor y deseo
    me miras convencida
    de todo lo que yo siento

    Y de tus labios golosos
    abiertos en una sonrisa
    me susurras, que tu tambien
    sientes exactamente lo mismo...

    click the Picture


    Greetings Michel Thx 4 your 2 messages

    Have a jogging weekend Blessings

    Great your tracklist
    Sending u mine
    If interested we can make a deal for Canada. I'm the producer of those songs
  • Mara Rosenbloom


    Thank you for your friendship! Great playlist! I would be happy to send you some tracks if you're interested in incorporating some new music.
