charles Darnell Lumpkins


Ontario, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Favorite website
http://Jawan Harris
Favorite Pittsburgh musicians/performers
Dr. Hariston, Dr. James Johnson, Dr. Calvin Stemley , Ms. Pamela Johnson, Dr. Nathan Davis and all my fellow musicians of the greater Pgh area including Howie Alexander.
Favorite Pittsburgh Jazz Venue
The Afro American Music Institute
About Me:
Peace, my name is Charles Lumpkins and I taught Saxophone and Flute at AAMI for eight years. Currently I reside in Ontario, Ca with my lovely wife Remelle and we are happy for Tommy and Kelly Lumpkins and there work on the Jawan Harris Project. Go to youtube Jawan Harris and the song Nobody written by Tommy Lumpkins and Harmony from London England. In four days this song has over 680,000 hits. still play all my instruments and my granddaughter, Naekisha Pick is playing tne local Honors Band on flute. Peace
Artist or Fan
industry professional

Comment Wall:

  • Dr. Nelson Harrison

    I'm so glad you found us. You now have a very powerful page if you take full advantage of its capabilities. Browse freely and see what others are doing. Start with adding me as a friend and checking out my page. You can do whatever anyone else is doing plus, plus. There are over 250 apps you can add to your page with a simple drag & drop. Post some sounds, vids and photos so others will learn about you. Thanks for joining.
  • Kevin Hurst, Sr.

    A `hands on` mentor for a lot of Harrisburg area performers and still a role model for I! We resided iat different times andreasonsn Pgh and ran into the same jazz folks. Look forward to hearing all your family offerings andtaking our culture futher.Nothing but LOVE! Now in the Pgh area enjoying my family and friends along wqith the AAMI ambpriud of your accomplishments!- your cous- kevin hurst- forever your student
  • Calvin Stemley

    Welcome to the network Charles.Now get Tommy on the network to share all of the wonderful things that he is doing.You and he can upload all that you all are doing out West.

  • Dan Wasson

    Thanks for kind words Charles and Remelle, glad to hear you guys are doing well. is nice to get a chance to hang with Kevin. take care