Pocket Protector


The Steel City

United States

Profile Information:

Favorite website
Favorite Pittsburgh musicians/performers
Every Musical Magician in the Steel City Committee.........WE GET BUSY in the 412!!!
Favorite Jazz Radio or media station
Favorite Pittsburgh Jazz Venue
About Me:
Im HUNGRY..................for anything (except drugs lol) that will increase the spiritual gift of music within me. Im tryna get back to God's original intent for music in every genre of music that HE calls me to. My background is gospel, R&B, and Hip Hop....which means im still riding with training wheels when it comes to the REAL SOUND & FEEL of JAZZ. But i realize that God has placed me in the best city to learn how to ride with the BIg Boys (and Girls......there are alot of female Jazz BEAST to come out of da BURGH). i love going out to the various thriving clubs who support jazz and LISTENING to the shaping and tone of what Pittsburgh Jazz has become. But make no mistake, just because im still learning to produce the authentic sound of jazz doesn't mean I don't know what it sounds like, so all you POSERS out there keep bitin your nails and kickin rocks when real musical magicians who carry the true SPIRIT are in the building!!!

I can't wait to meet all of you music lovers in the Burgh that I haven't met yet. Keep making a joyful jazz noise!

I digress from callin out any names of artist/groups tours or recordings that I've played for due to my immense love for the one who ALONE really deserves ALL of the shout-out credit seeing as HE CREATED THIS PRECIOUS GIFT of mine & each opportunity that followed it.......I LOVE YOU, GOD........with my whole heart!
Artist or Fan
artist, fan, industry professional, student

Comment Wall:

  • Luiz Santos

    Welcome Dennis,
    Thanks for joining. Ceom check out my rhythm world!
    Have an awesome week!
    Be blessed,
  • Pocket Protector

    ummmm.....okay..count the song off!..lol
  • Janelle Burdell

    Yo! Luv da moniker!!!! I knew it was you without even lookin' Hahahaha! Great seeing and hearing you last week at AVA! Yea boi! Your hunger is an inspiration! Know it. ;) Diggin' deep into spirit myself my friend. Holla when you're around next--you gotta come by my studio sometime ~ smiles, -janelle
  • Dr. Nelson Harrison

    Welcome My Brother,

    We are now getting somewhere with young spirit warriors like you in the house. Now you are here and the rest will make history. Now I'll post the Cobham pix.
  • Tanisha

    nice turn of phrase your name is. Thanks for reaching out. Peace...
  • Tanisha

    Hi PP - I don't think we've ever met, and I'm Tanisha. Ha! I don't know how this pic got chopped off, though. Oops! on The Jazz Network (another "ning" type thing) I have more pics.


  • Tanisha

    Hey there PP - I've been swamped! Detroit a couple wks ago, and headed to LV for a client's performance. Catch up with ya. Ciao, Ms. T
  • Andrew Kirk

    Hey man! It's been nice to see you out at all the sessions! I look forward to hearing you more!
  • Tanisha

    Happy New Year P-Squared - wishing you success and all the rest for '09.


    Ms. T
  • Tanisha

    Likewise, ace. I'm headed out of town in a couple weeks, but dude, gotta make it happen.

    If you're playing somewhere anytime soon, give me a heads up. In the meantime, feel free to email @ jacksontalent@gmail.com.


    Ms. T
  • Richard Williams

    YO D: May the Creator continue to bless u with HIS Prescence in ALL your musical endeavors!-Reezy
  • Garl Germany III

    To the Pocket Protector
    If can you get some time can I get your phone # I would like to talk with you. Are you playing anywhere soon mayve I can come and hear you play.
    May blessing keep coming your way
  • Ed Skirtich

    Hi Dennis,

    It was really great jammin' with you last night.

    You really did a great job as the M.C. and led the trio real well.

    Also, the arrangements and tempos of each tune were pretty neat too.

    It's nice that us WVU alumni can continue to take jazz to another level.

    Also, if you may ever need me for any gigs just call.

    Lookin' forward to jammin' with you again at Calli's.


    Ed Skirtich
    Trumpet Player
    (412) 422-4149 (H)
    (412) 841-8046 (C)