Marty Ashby


Pittsburgh, PA

United States

Profile Information:

Favorite Pittsburgh musicians/performers
Roger Humphries
Joe Negri
John Wilson
Dwayne Dolphin
Favorite Jazz Radio or media station
Favorite Pittsburgh Jazz Venue
MCG Jazz
Artist or Fan
artist, industry professional

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  • Luiz Santos

    Welcome Marty,
    Thanks for joining the Pittsburg Jazz Network!
    Be blessed!
  • Jack Cenna

    Marty, Nelson emailed me and said you were the person to ask about getting the Pgh. Jazz Cards. I'm interested i getting the entire collection, please get back to me and let me know if that is possible and any costs. Thanks, Jack Cenna
  • Jack Cenna

    Marty, I emailed you earlier and NEVER recieved a response from you. My request is for a complete collection of Pgh. jazz cards, Nelson told me you are the responsible party for the cards, Please RETURN my email and send me the cards. When you email me I'll send you my address, Thanks,Jack Cenna