it seems that im in the same boat you are. it's been years sence iv seen derrick. after my brother died. that was it. for what ever reason i don't know why. i lived in detroit for 20 yrs. would come and visit but derrick would be gone and his mom never would want to speak. so your chances are just like me in finding out the arrengments though the paper.
derrick has and always will be in my heart and memories. I loved that boy till no end and would have givin him the shirt off my back. I look at his pic everyday as it sits in my entryway with his dad, my brother. his sprit is with us still. god has his plans and he needed derrick more than us. just remember him always as i shall. peace out
selena brookins
Feb 25, 2009
Feb 25, 2009
selena brookins
Feb 26, 2009