Andrea Hodges


Toronto, Ontario


Profile Information:

Pittsburgh Connection
Brother and sister still live here, so I come at least once a year to visit.
Favorite Pittsburgh musicians/performers
You guys and women ALL are amazing. The jazz in Pittsburgh is like no other.
Favorite Jazz Radio or media station
Can't get them up here in the cold north - but you had tons more snow than we did this year. This winter it snowed 4 times in Toronto, not more than 4 inches each time. We were really blessed. Sorry you guys had to do so much shoveling this year. Perhaps it will be our turn NEXT year!
Favorite Pittsburgh Jazz Venue
For you oldies, it used to be Walt Harper's Attic. I used to walk into the place and the first song afterward he played was: "We almost made it to the top, didn't we . . .Andrea?" Used to make me always feel special. Loved the stainless steel dance floor which I made very good use of.
Remember Oscar Peterson playing there live. It was one of my first stops in the evening, and always my last. Then Walt moved to Grant Streeet, and things were just a little different.
About Me:
Moved back to Canada and settled in Toronto when I was 22. Started selling pharmaceuticals - did that for 20 years. Then after a few different things, I found my true love - film making. I was just Exec Prod for a short coming out in April - called God's I Pod. An amazing experience. Why did I sell drugs all those years when I could have been pursuing my dreams? Now teaching Film making at my church.
http://almost finished
Artist or Fan
fan, media

Comment Wall:

  • Billy Kuhn

    Andrea - contact me directly at Would love to catch up on what yoou've been doing!