Part - time drummer who studied for a short time with Bill Riechenbach in Washingrton DC back in the Mid Seventies. Always have tried to make time for playing as a part of my life for fun or profit..
We are so happy to have you with us. George Benson was born and raised here as were so many other major influential jazz artists. You can learn more about it by browsing the photos, pages and videos on this network. Please use your page to introduce yourself and make some new friends. We welcome you to the "Burgh. Please add me as a friend.
Dr. Nelson Harrison
We are so happy to have you with us. George Benson was born and raised here as were so many other major influential jazz artists. You can learn more about it by browsing the photos, pages and videos on this network. Please use your page to introduce yourself and make some new friends. We welcome you to the "Burgh. Please add me as a friend.
Nov 29, 2009