amber ojeda


San Diego

United States

Profile Information:

Pittsburgh Connection
Nelson Harrison
Artist or Fan

Comment Wall:

  • Dr. Nelson Harrison

    Welcome Amber,

    I have been wanting to share your music with our member for a while now. as I told you before, I am a fan of your and think you are a bright and delightful voice in the music world. thank you for joining. Post a couple of your videos here and some pictures for our members who don't know how to browse outside websites yet. Make some friends.
  • Jerry Butler

    Please checkout my page!!!!...I would love to hear more about "your" business!!!!...If I am not your friend...please add me as your friend...also please feel free to contact me "anytime"!!!!!.....757 538 0821....757 971 3733...Jerry Butler I would love to feature "you" as my guest on my show..If I am not your friend..please add me...also please call me @ the offc at 757 538 3540...757 538 0821 for on the banner below to be a guest...Jerry Butler