Joe Negri, Jimmy Ponder, Roger Humphries, Kenny Blake, Dwayne Dolphin, Marty Ashby, Etta Cox, Damarius Cooper, Craig Zinger, Kevin Howard, Bill Holt, Luther DeJarunett, Doug Milner, Kenny Hawkins, Louis T. Alexander, Haywood Vincent, Yublai Bey, many more.
Favorite Pittsburgh Jazz Venue
Manchester Craftsman's Guild, Pittsburgh Jazz Society in Oakland, Soul Food Dinner & Jazz Night at the Rivers Club
thank you Rob; for sharing Pittsburgh Jazz with me....Like the importance and value of good roots of a musical are also my own valued roots from way back, when I heard in Pittsburgh.... J.C.Moses,Cannonball,Miles, Coltrane, tommy Turk, Turrentine brothers, and various other jazz performers....always to stay within my heart and mind.....
Mar 11, 2008