Yes you! This is your page and you can do anything with it you like within the purpose of the network. Check other member's pages and see what is being done and then you'll know. Anything you post you can also edit or delete at any time. Make lots of friends and participate in discussions, leave an opinion, review a concert or CD, etc. You get the drift. Thank you for joining.
Dr. Nelson Harrison
Yes you! This is your page and you can do anything with it you like within the purpose of the network. Check other member's pages and see what is being done and then you'll know. Anything you post you can also edit or delete at any time. Make lots of friends and participate in discussions, leave an opinion, review a concert or CD, etc. You get the drift. Thank you for joining.
Jan 28, 2009
Luiz Santos
Thank you for joining the Pittsburgh Jazz Network!
Jan 29, 2009