All those with good Vibes and a love for Music and all Spiritually Uplifting Art Forms
Favorite Pittsburgh Jazz Venue
Crawfords Grill and , Hurricane in the Hill District and all those that contributed to this Great Music that has brought Us together to continue its Celebration.
About Me:
Learning , Helping others , Playing Percussion and Music , Promoting the Arts and peaceful coexistence Until I Leave this Existence for another.
Hey Dr. FUNK, I'm glad to hear from you. I know you are doing well. M y life is wonderful. I got married to a wonderful woman 9 months ago 6/14/08. We are relocating to Fayetteville N.C. in June of this year. I will be producing concerts and working on my latest project The Underground Railroad a resturant/jazz club.I am very excited about this move.There are alot of folks from Pittsburh and NYC.Please keep in touch 412 298-6725
Dale Fielder
What up, my brother? Been diggin' you on Eric's new CD! Y'all sound really really good! Wish you a happy and prosperous 2009!
Jan 18, 2009
Kennard Roosevelt Williams
It's a pleasure to hear from you; and yes I do remember the Grill jam session. I hope to hook-up with you again soon.
Jan 20, 2009
David Moore
Mar 14, 2009