Betsy Price

Profile Information:

Pittsburgh Connection
lived there all my life until 2004
Favorite Pittsburgh musicians/performers
michelle benson
Favorite Pittsburgh Jazz Venue
old encore, lucca's
About Me: - Glitters, Layouts & more!
Artist or Fan

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  • Michele Bensen

    Oh, she's just soooo cute and growing up too fast, you give her a kiss from me and tell I love her. I would lvoe to spend some time with all of you in the near future. we'll talk soon. I'm trying to find the video of Jamie reading her poem at the CD release party to make her a copy. Keep on smilin girl, miss you.
    Love, Michele
  • Miles

    Great pictures..Please join us at
  • Jerry Butler

    I would love to feature "you" as my guest on my show..If I am not your friend..please add me...also please call me @ the offc at 757 538 3540...757 971 3733 for on the banner below to be a guest...JB