Dorothylou Sands


Los Angeles, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Favorite website
Pittsburgh Connection
I was born in Pittsbugh. I left there when I was 8, but visit family and friends often.
Favorite Pittsburgh musicians/performers
My cousin Patricia Prattis-Jennings
My Godchild Poogie Bell
Favorite Jazz Radio or media station
Don't dislike Jazz, but listen to classical music most of the time.
Artist or Fan

Comment Wall:

  • Dr. Nelson Harrison


    Welcome. Poogie is back home and doing very well. He is a world-class drummer. Patricia and I went to WHS together and played in all the symphonies through our college days. I was also a jazz player and decided to go in that direction where there were untold challenges ahead even still. Pat and I shared the Heinz Hall stage on occasion in variety formats like the Pops, and the Heinz Hall Stage Orchestra. Surveys have indicated that most people who chose European classical as their 1st music of choice often choose jazz as their second and vice versa. You'll find some fine classical music among our videos. Look up David Budway in the video files and please leave a comment if you like. We are glad to have you as a member.
  • Dr. Nelson Harrison

    What is your mother's name? Poogie is quite a fine young man. His sister Imani is a wonderful choreographer and we are planning to do a production together soon.
  • Dr. Nelson Harrison

    Poogie is a member of this network. Add him as a friend.