Kelly George


Pittsburgh, PA

United States

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Comment Wall:

  • Dr. Nelson Harrison


    It was a pleasure meeting you last night at Ava. There is a wealth of material, photos, vids, and sounds for you to enjoy. you will learn more about Pittsburgh's jazz legacy than you could taking courses on the subject somewhere. Thanks you for joining. Please feel free to comment on anything here, make some friends, etc.

    Welcome. See you at the Clubhouse. ;-)
  • Alexander Peck

    Hello new friend. How goes it? It was good seeing you again at Ava.
    Peace, Alex
  • Jerry Butler

    I would love to feature "you" as my guest on my show..If I am not your friend..please add me...also please call me @ the offc at 757 538 3540...757 971 3733 for on the banner below to be a guest...JB