Scott Elias

, Male

Orlando, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Favorite website
Pittsburgh Connection
Born and raised in Brownsville, PA; Played a lot of music, with many wonderful people in the 'Burgh.
Favorite Pittsburgh musicians/performers
Art Blakey, Ray Brown, Eric Kloss, my boyz Lash and Braham, Ms. Staley, Joe Negri, Dave Budway, Tain, Vinnie Colaiuta and SO many others...
Favorite Jazz Radio or media station
Favorite Pittsburgh Jazz Venue
Are there any left??? Thank you Guillifty's...
About Me:
Jazz has always been a major love of mine. I stumbled into film production; I've been a Film Producer for quite a while now. Thanks to the talents of some amazing musicians, I'm loving music production again...I still attempt to play the B3 and piano, and I compose (myself and tunes...).
Artist or Fan
artist, fan, industry professional, media

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  • Hakim Law

    Hey buddy. Remember me. How are you? I have heard some great things about you as a person and your career. I am so happy to hear you decided to stick with music, especially jazz. Jazz is the poorman's classical music and the poorman is usually the wiser because he has to struggle for what he accomplishes with no money and you learn to appreciate the gift the creator has bestowed upon you. Did I say that?!! Hahahahaha.....oh yeh, I still have things to laugh at even at 56 Scott, right? Like how mixed up this country's priorities are: create more art and protect that with guns and heavy artlillery, how about that? Anyway?

    Hit me back. I'm doing alot of Hammond organ in church, but not much jazz on it though. But I enjoy playing jazz on it too, praise the Lord. Hey man, I really wish we could hang out sometime and shed together. I am one of the top pianist, arrangers, producer, musical directors, etc here in Boston. If you ever need my help, you know you have it hometown! I actually stumbled upon Jeff Lashway at Gulliptys when I was home in February 08. I asked him about you and he told me you were in Florida. At Berklee, Vinnie has made a name for himself as well as Moi. I toured with the Drifters, Platters, Coasters, many more as MD worldwide. I currently play church services ( no real jazz spots anymore ), solo piano at Restaurants and vocal jazz and pop, and occasionally I play alot of corporate parties jazz trio and quartet. You can go to and put in: Hakim Law. or Jazzmen Productions. I'm just learning all of this digital stuff, so it's definitely not production quality but you can hear me. Scott if there's anything down that way you can use me on, let's network ok? I love you man. The Ville!!!!!

    Hakim Law
  • Phil The Knight

    Hi Scott,

    Is this the famous Scott Elias who use to shake down some of the finest cutting B3 blues I've ever had the pleasure of playing with? If you go to my myspace (the link is on my page here) you'll probably recognize 3 of the songs I have posted. I posted these old cassette recordings because it'll be 30 years this year. All 3 are from the 1978 New Years Eve party at the Parkway Tavern in Monroeville.

    Take care old friend,
  • Jerry Butler

    I would love to feature "you" as my guest on my show..If I am not your friend..please add me...also please call me @ the offc at 757 538 3540...757 971 3733 for on the banner below to be a guest...JB