Anthony (Tony) Janflone


Washington, Pa

United States

Profile Information:

Artist or Fan
artist, industry professional

Comment Wall:

  • Dr. Nelson Harrison

    Welcome Tony,

    You have many friends here who have been awaiting your arrival including me. This page gives you unprecedented elbow room to stretch out and promote your interests, activities and memories. Look around and see what some others are doing and enjoy.
  • Andy Bianco

    Hey Tony, I studied with you a little bit in 1998......Welcome and thank you for your wonderful inspiration and guidance!
  • Luther DeJarunett

    Hi Tony! It was a very pleasant surprise to run into you on here! I hope that we can stay in touch. Let me know where you're playing at, and what you're up to in general. I'd love to hear you again!
  • Dr. Nelson Harrison


    that picture was taken by member Rhadha Sewell with her cell phone camera. I thought it was beautiful as well. She is the daughter of the late bassist Tommy Sewell whom you might remember.
  • Jessica Lee

    Hi Tony! Wonderful that you're on the network! Please send prayers - my little dogs Louie and Jazzie went to heaven on Friday. . . .Wow, can I sing the blues better now! Looking forward to our next study session. wywl, jess
  • Joan DesCarpentier

    Hello Anthony:) Great to meet you here. The picture of PA here is so breath taking. Everybody has a pic with their instrument As it should be. I guess I need to get one of me with my keyboard;) Have a great rest of the week and many blessings 2 U(-:
  • Opie Bellas

    Wow...what a great surprise Tony. Thanks for writing
  • Curtis Swift

    Tony, We Need to Jam!!!
  • Vincent Anthony Scruci

    Hey Tony,how's it goin?Call me crazy, but I'm gettin sick of Fla.and the lack of music scene,although I've been working a lot.(mostly solo,and duo.trio stuff at the casinos. I want a working band,maybe use the B-3.I'll talk to ya,,,,,,,,
  • Luke Williams

    Tony, thanks you for being such a HUGE influence in my musical life, now I have the opportunity to teach and I am so thankful that you showed me that it's not ALL about theory and academics, but about feeling and having fun, too. Let me know where you're playing I want to come out and say hello.
  • Max Leake

    Hey there Tony!

    Glad to see your name. I hope all is going towards the positive with you. Still slugging away at it here. Take care!

  • Mark Koch

    hey Tony,
    Just got back from Nashburg, It was great to see all the guys
    hope you are doing well, and thanks for the call.
    Don't hesitate to call if you need anything
    Peace, Mark
  • Andy Bianco

    Thanks man! And thank you for asking about my dad; he's retired and doing well......I hope your son is doing well and please give him my best wishes ( :
  • Jeff Lashway

    Hey! Long, LONG time no see! You doing any playing? We need to hook up o something!
  • Andy Yalch

    Dear Tony

    Glad to hear you are feeling better. Please tell your wonderfully talented father I said HI!
  • Andy Yalch


    I need stronger glasses! I would love to do a gig with you again. It's been too long!
  • Anthony (Tony) Janflone

    Sure thing Andy---I've always enjoyed playing with you.
  • Debi Arnett

    Hi Tony, Have you seen Steve Jackson lately? I talk to him off and on. Saw Tony Jr a while ago. Hope you are well. Debi
  • Tony Janflone Jr

    Love you Daddy !!!!! You are AWESOME :-)
  • Gypsy Piano Blues

    Thanks for the add and helping keep music alive an well in the burg-Gypsy
  • PMT Studio

    Photobucket hello from the west coast of Canada (Crofton ,Vancouver Island)

  • Margareth Osju

    Thank you for the request. Best wishes from Sweden. Margareth
  • Barry Levenson

    Hey man,
    I love your playing!!
  • Mario Pompei

    thanks Tony for finding me...I' m honored to know you...greetings by Mario
  • Roby "Supersax" Edwards

    Hey Tony,
    Very happy to hear from you. How's it going?? Great I hope. I'm in and out of Pittsburgh for the rest of the winter. Let's try and hang out. Until then, wishing you all the very best,
  • Janelle Burdell

    Mr. Janflone! It;s been too long! Thanks for reaching out! So slow here....yes, it's a diff day! Glad to hear the good music! Hope to get a chance to make some with you again soon! I'm around so holla ~ hahahah! Thanks again! Love, -janelle
  • Jerry Butler

    Thank you for adding me as your friend!!!!!..... I would love to feature "you" as my guest on my show..If I am not your friend..please add me...also please call me @ the offc at 757 538 3540...757 971 3733 for on the banner below...JB
  • Dr. Nelson Harrison


    I don't think Sampson & Delilah were from Pittsburgh although I saw them at the hurricane several times. Am I mistaken?
  • ladyruth

    Hi Tony thanks for the invite
  • Patti Spadaro

    Hi Tony, just stopping by to say hello.
    Take care,
  • Randy Williams DOSE

    tony did you play with the sargent sistersyears ago?
  • Randy Williams DOSE

    this was about 25or30years ago. we were soppose to do the grand opening of the showboat in alantic city. and we got there and construction wasnt complete. im not sure if it was you or jr?
  • Barbara Jean Crow

    Hi Tony just popped to listen to you, such a pleasure to hear you play. Hope life is treating you well. Love and respect BJ
  • Delicious Fish

    Hi Tony!
    Thank you for accepting us as friends here on PJN!
    Loved your tracks!

    Pehr Flühr, songwriter & producer