I am glad that I had a small part in your jazz enlightenment. I hope to return to radio again and continue opening the horizons for new and old music lovers. There are not enough venues in Pittsburgh for the Pittsburgh performer to be exposed and appreciated.
Why do you want to remove the discussion? It's a good place for people to add their memories-in-tribute. The Post-Gazette does it that was as do all the major newspapers.
Hi Dan Nice to SEE you again. Yens rocked the other night. Did you find Bud’s ok? If you got a second I’ll give you the reason behind “Mikies Storm“. However the time thing is a joke, I can be long winded and tend to over express myself in writing when it comes to my drawings. So read below when you got time… “Mikies storm” is of a friend, to be more exact Mikie is a mother of my first girl friend. That one girl friend you never kissed but loved just the same. Tiffany (girl friend) was a wild child and her mother hated me to the end. I was just another thing odd and “anti-” in Mikies daughter life. Well Tiff and I parted ways for years; I’d see her as she was coasting for state to state living the pure hippie life. She’d always have a bunch of dogs and a dirty face. She’d say hi, hug and disappear again, that was my Tiff. Well I hadn’t heard from her in years, then out of nowhere Tiff calls me, she’s on the run. I’m still not clear on what she did, but its bad enough that the FBI is on her tail. One day Tiff asked me to transport a letter (convict style) to her mom -Mikie. I agreed, and stepped into a big mess. Mikies caught me delivering the letter, but was so happy to see that boy she hated to death so many years ago; it seems to be a recurring theme in my life. After Mikie finding out I still was in contact with Tiff we began a phone tag game for about 3 years. Mikie would call me asking about Tiff. After a few months she got relaxed and unloading these horrifying tales of kidnapping incest and suicide that plagued her family. At one point we talked for 3 hours, about how she was going to die. That’s were the painting came in. I wanted to be a good listener but I didn’t want to get to deep, so I began to doodle on a canvas. Mikie would describ her life as she battled to keep from going insane. One day it was done, both the paintings and the phone calls. All of Mikies pain, anger, and love just vanished, and a painting took its place. I wonder how she is doing now. Deep! You bet Dan.
Ahh! The value of dating a picture. ;-) If you look at the enlarged pic, you'll see the date right on the left hand border (7.17.00). that was at the Monday jam session with Howie, James III and Kenny Blake.
What's up brother! See you finally got on your home network! I need to get your number so's I can come visit. I am driving in to see my son thanksgiving hopefully, my cell is 717-580-8532. Give me a call- kevin hurst
Man it was great playin with you and the main man Harold Betters! That is why I keep practicing, gotta get back to Pgh. My son needs me and I love it that is where I came of age! So I hope Harold liked my playing- he was strong! I gotta get your address so next time I get to Wilkinsburg I can drop by . That is where my folks are at! What was the name of that place , it was pretty nice?- kev
Remember that Coryell- Khan concert you went to? Here I am trying to play bass on Spain from that tour in '77. That record got a lot of airplay on WDUQ. At the time I knew who Larry was and never heard him but Steve played in the Brecker Bros. Band with David Sanborn. So I knew his playing!-kev Spain Coryell-Khan
Hey Dan
I enjoy jamming with you. I was glad and surprise to see your page. It's a must known that I get my picture taken with my axe so I can look good like you (smile). Looking forward to seeing you this weedend, Garl
Thanx Dan! Just waitin' for my resources to come through and tweaking things around the house. The I can get out your way and see my granddaughter , help out then hang out.I am practicing good and enjoying it as always.
Playing at Tana with Tony again? He has a good sound there the time I saw him. He did not use a mike and the alto's higher pitch cuts through. Food was good also, had a good listen. Never forget your audience!- kev
Aw man I woulda came in for that! I am getting the tenor/soprano/flute thing together. I am thinking about getting an upright and just walk basslines in my free time so I need to practice the reeds everyday to coordinate them.
Had a great time sitting in with you cats at PD's! I sat in at Ava's Mon. and stayed till friday to sit in with Dr. Harrison at Hilltopper's 'cause I wanted to play with some Pgh. area blues artists. Was a good week , we never any time together off the bandstand though- soon come!- kev
Hey Dan I might make that Caberet today , have to be back in the Pgharre to go to work mon morn.after next week I go on a schedule where I have two days off during the week and every other weekend off. Gotta look for a place soon Take care - - kev
I´d really appreciate it if you could take the time to look at my work and leave your impressions here or in the guestbook on my homepage- http://www.freewebs.com/miartemartagracielabressi- where there are more samples of my digital art works, engravings and sculptures. The web site´s in Spanish but, if you want to read the texts in English, you can access my Livejournal:
Peace Dan Wasson. Tis is Remelle and Charles Lumpkins extending much love , peace and harmony to you and the musical we love in Pittsburgh. Hey Dan Kevin Hurst has told me of the positive inroads you are making in the sought after musician section in the hearts of jazz musicians. PLease let the music live ofrever.
Hey Dan I will be at the Thunderbird sat hopefully 3-7:30 helping Kevin Amos out with his food drive.Still thinkin about moving closer to the city , I am presently at 155 Polk St in Elizabeth and is very convenient and secluded so we can make some noise. About 4 miles from Century III, just go to get the house in order and it aint happing fast enough!- kev
What is your address? I may come down to little E's and I would love to see Carolyn perform live friday night but I get off 7:30pm and could leave work. I'm off the weekend, do they still have that caberet in Homewood? Hit me up - kev
Hey Dan I'm doing a 5-7pm set at the Elizabeth Elks Fathers Day. I hope to be starting a new job in the Mon Valley area also, then I can run into town and sit in again LOL.- Whatcha doin on daddys day> Let me know- kev
Dr. Nelson Harrison
Nice picture. I hope we have 100 members before the week ends.
Feb 15, 2008
Dan Wasson
Feb 15, 2008
Dr. Nelson Harrison
You're the best.
Feb 15, 2008
Olga Watkins
Feb 15, 2008
Janelle Burdell
Mar 8, 2008
Janelle Burdell
Mar 8, 2008
Frank B. Greenlee
Mar 15, 2008
Dr. Nelson Harrison
Mar 16, 2008
Rhadha Sewell
Mar 28, 2008
Eugene Woody Smith
Apr 7, 2008
CWR (Fan of Culture)

Hi Dan Nice to SEE you again. Yens rocked the other night. Did you find Bud’s ok? If you got a second I’ll give you the reason behind “Mikies Storm“. However the time thing is a joke, I can be long winded and tend to over express myself in writing when it comes to my drawings. So read below when you got time… “Mikies storm” is of a friend, to be more exact Mikie is a mother of my first girl friend. That one girl friend you never kissed but loved just the same. Tiffany (girl friend) was a wild child and her mother hated me to the end. I was just another thing odd and “anti-” in Mikies daughter life. Well Tiff and I parted ways for years; I’d see her as she was coasting for state to state living the pure hippie life. She’d always have a bunch of dogs and a dirty face. She’d say hi, hug and disappear again, that was my Tiff. Well I hadn’t heard from her in years, then out of nowhere Tiff calls me, she’s on the run. I’m still not clear on what she did, but its bad enough that the FBI is on her tail. One day Tiff asked me to transport a letter (convict style) to her mom -Mikie. I agreed, and stepped into a big mess. Mikies caught me delivering the letter, but was so happy to see that boy she hated to death so many years ago; it seems to be a recurring theme in my life. After Mikie finding out I still was in contact with Tiff we began a phone tag game for about 3 years. Mikie would call me asking about Tiff. After a few months she got relaxed and unloading these horrifying tales of kidnapping incest and suicide that plagued her family. At one point we talked for 3 hours, about how she was going to die. That’s were the painting came in. I wanted to be a good listener but I didn’t want to get to deep, so I began to doodle on a canvas. Mikie would describ her life as she battled to keep from going insane. One day it was done, both the paintings and the phone calls. All of Mikies pain, anger, and love just vanished, and a painting took its place. I wonder how she is doing now. Deep! You bet Dan.Apr 29, 2008
Marly Ikeda
May 20, 2008
Dr. Nelson Harrison
Jun 10, 2008
Kevin Hurst, Sr.
Nov 25, 2008
Kevin Hurst, Sr.
Dec 1, 2008
Kevin Hurst, Sr.
Spain Coryell-Khan
Dec 14, 2008
Dan Wasson
Dec 21, 2008
Garl Germany III
I enjoy jamming with you. I was glad and surprise to see your page. It's a must known that I get my picture taken with my axe so I can look good like you (smile). Looking forward to seeing you this weedend, Garl
Dec 30, 2008
Harold Walker
Jan 15, 2009
Kevin Hurst, Sr.
Feb 17, 2009
Dave Pellow
gettin ready for outdoor?
Mar 19, 2009
Eugene Woody Smith
I`d like to talk to them.Email me.
Mar 29, 2009
Kennard Roosevelt Williams
Best regards,
Apr 21, 2009
Kevin Hurst, Sr.
Sep 9, 2009
Kevin Hurst, Sr.
Sep 10, 2009
Kevin Hurst, Sr.
Sep 10, 2009
Kevin Hurst, Sr.
Sep 10, 2009
Kevin Hurst, Sr.
Sep 10, 2009
Andy Bianco
Sep 21, 2009
Kevin Hurst, Sr.
Nov 30, 2009
Kennard Roosevelt Williams
Dec 3, 2009
Kevin Hurst, Sr.
May 23, 2010
Thanks for showing up on Sunday...once again, you guys really out did yourselves...I think we're on to something...smooches!!!
Jun 7, 2010
Kevin Hurst, Sr.
Aug 1, 2010
Marta Graciela Bressi
Thanks for your gratitude.I'm a member.
I´d really appreciate it if you could take the time to look at my work and leave your impressions here or in the guestbook on my homepage- http://www.freewebs.com/miartemartagracielabressi- where there are more samples of my digital art works, engravings and sculptures. The web site´s in Spanish but, if you want to read the texts in English, you can access my Livejournal:
You can also visit the website we created with the Belgian jazz musician Dirk Schreurs to make our recent video art collaboration known to the world:
New Website: http://martagracielabressistudios.webs.com/
P.S.: Unfortunately, i' ve got too many contact on the network to add more.File free to add me if you want.
Aug 23, 2010
Marta Graciela Bressi
Aug 23, 2010
sandy russell
Aug 24, 2010
Kevin Hurst, Sr.
Sep 14, 2010
charles Darnell Lumpkins
Sep 19, 2010
Kevin Hurst, Sr.
Hey Dan I will be at the Thunderbird sat hopefully 3-7:30 helping Kevin Amos out with his food drive.Still thinkin about moving closer to the city , I am presently at 155 Polk St in Elizabeth and is very convenient and secluded so we can make some noise. About 4 miles from Century III, just go to get the house in order and it aint happing fast enough!- kev
Dec 17, 2010
Kevin Hurst, Sr.
What is your address? I may come down to little E's and I would love to see Carolyn perform live friday night but I get off 7:30pm and could leave work. I'm off the weekend, do they still have that caberet in Homewood? Hit me up - kev
Dec 17, 2010
Kevin Hurst, Sr.
Mar 10, 2011
Kevin Hurst, Sr.
Apr 20, 2011
Kevin Hurst, Sr.
Gotta work also and get my truck squared away! I need to talk to you about the school possibly performing an 8piece thing I have.- kev
Apr 22, 2011
Kevin Hurst, Sr.
Oct 5, 2011
Kevin Hurst, Sr.
Hey Dan I'm doing a 5-7pm set at the Elizabeth Elks Fathers Day. I hope to be starting a new job in the Mon Valley area also, then I can run into town and sit in again LOL.- Whatcha doin on daddys day> Let me know- kev
Jun 11, 2012