Working Percussionist and Educator in South Florida, Currently in two Symphony Orchestras an 18 Piece Jazz Band and numerous Rock & Jazz Bands....Owner of " DRUMMERSONLY" Drum Shop In Port St Lucie FL. 34952
Pittsburgh is a drummers town among other notable things so we are very glad to have you join us in our celebration of them and others of our great tradition. You'll make many new friends here and find some old ones I'm sure. Please feel free to participate fully, promote yourself if you like and share your art.
Hi ...thanks for the encouragement....I hope to make some great friends and hear some great music.....Attention Drummers......I just opened a full line drum shop in South Florida Called "DRUMMERSONLY" I have all the Great Gear at DISCOUNT PRICES ( we meet & Beat all legit prices on Drum Equipment), We ship Worlwide......Hey Drummers, when it gets cold in Pittsburgh come on down to Sunny Floida for a huge Drum Off !!!!!!! If I get some responses I'll work up some dates !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dr. Nelson Harrison
Pittsburgh is a drummers town among other notable things so we are very glad to have you join us in our celebration of them and others of our great tradition. You'll make many new friends here and find some old ones I'm sure. Please feel free to participate fully, promote yourself if you like and share your art.
Jul 30, 2008
Stix Nickson
Jul 30, 2008