Carol Segal Rein

69, Female

Pittsburgh, PA

United States

Profile Information:

Favorite Pittsburgh musicians/performers
Howie Alexander, Tony Campbell, Shawnie Lake, Sean Jones, Tim Jenkins, Roger Barbour's group, Dan Wasson, Patrick Arena

Where are all of our wonderful vocalists???
Favorite Jazz Radio or media station
Favorite Pittsburgh Jazz Venue
Backstage, of course. CJ's, Sassy Marie's, Monroeville Jazz Festival, outdoor concerts, and any of the great places that musicians gather. Help me find all of those wonderful venues that I haven't seen yet!!
About Me:
Retired psychiatric nurse who understands the personal therapeutic value of fine personal music. Thanks to all of the performers in Pittsburgh who let me in to their lives through their self-expressions.
Artist or Fan

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  • Dr. Nelson Harrison

    We have an unofficial PJN Clubhouse at the Ava Lounge every Monday from 8:30p - midnight hosted by proprietor Justin Strong and the Howie Alexander Trio. This is the closest thing to a musicians' club we have had since the closing of the Crawford Grill #2, Please join us and you will meet many new vocalists and some veterans as well.
  • Carol Segal Rein

    I saw the group Straight Ahead on Tuesday and Sunday. They are entertaining and talented women- almost as if they were from Pittsburgh!
  • Jerry Butler

    I would love to feature "you" as my guest on my show..If I am not your friend..please add me...also please call me @ the offc at 757 538 3540...757 971 3733 for on the banner below to be a guest...JB