Mi amigos! Mi companeros!
It has been a beautifully thick summer friends. So many beautiful people doing so many strange and wonderful things in my life. I tell you, X Day at Brushwood was like a dream. A nightmare actually,
wherein I had been promised salvation for a mere $30 or triple my $$ back, but the Aliens never came, not even with that durned Rupture forwarding app I bought for my Blackberry...... Though, Jeff at Starwood postulated that in 1998 the Aliens DID come down and I am currently in my pleasure dome in the cosmos AS WE SPEAK...... Oddly enough, though I don't remember much about my training as a Jew, I do remember the Rabbi telling me that we didn't believe in Heaven and
Hell as afterlife per se, but one could create Heaven and Hell for themselves on earth if they so chose..... So maybe the Rupture happened on July 5, 1998 after all, and Jehovah has been saved by Bob this WHOLE TIME?!?!? (Ok if you are just picking up this conversation and are like, hey Mandee, I like your singing, when did you get all weird culty like religious, I say unto you thus, I am a weirdo. Always the odd one out for any number of reasons. I am a jazz singer. The twain need not be separated. In fact, one for me, has always fueled the other. In fact, if you remember me when I was bald, I shaved my head on Feb 15, 1995 because the Reverend Ivan Stang of the Church of the Subgenius was coming to Pittsburgh for a devival in South Side and I knew I would be singing to more people than I had ever sung to before at that show, and hence the beginning of the bald.
10 years and several circus tours later later I regrew it by accident in a months long fit of depression when Bush was re elected but that's another story. For more info about Bob and Reverend Stang visit
http://www.subgenius.com , for more info on Bush you will have to summon Satan himself for a decent explanation.)
Picture on left of Starwood fire burning bright.
So, anyhoo, last couple of weeks have been beautiful. Mr Sague and Cha of Guaracha came to Starwood with me, both did presentations, Cha on Afro Cuban percussion where he was impressed with the quality of drummers out there, not all floppy handed hippies after all! And Mr Sague's presentations on 2012 Prophecy from a Mayan Perspective and on Taino Shamanism were VERY well received. Our shows were lovely, and I can't wait to go back next year. Wisteria is an incredibly glorious campground and I need to explore it more. Apparently it used to be a strip mine and they have reclaimed it and 630 acres of it is a nature
preserve of all things! And I got to sing with Billy Woods and Princess Wei and Miguel and Cha Sague! I can't wait for next year!
But hey, you may say, that is all well and good, but where can I go to see you tomorrow or next week? My time machine is in the shop and I can't go back in time to see you last week!
Tomorrow July 16, 2010
Belvederes in Lawrenceville, 4016 Butler St., Pittsburgh, PA Happy Birthday to the some of the hottest ladies in town! The babelicious burlesque troupe Bridge City Bombshells is about to enter the Terrible Twos! Come celebrate with us and tons of special guests including Agnes Wired for Sound, David Doyle (Jack of all trades), Miss Direction (magician), Davon Magwood (comedian), The Typewriter Girls, DJ Hates You, MC Lioness, $ Yuenglings, $3 well drinks, 21+, $8 entry before 10 pm, $10 after 10 pm, showtime is 9 pm!
Next week on Tues July 20, 2010!
If you could not join me for X Day at Brushwood or Starwood at Wisteria, well, there's always next year, but if you don't want to wait that long, I suggest you pack your tent and come out to Brushwood for Summerfest! I hear from friends onsite it is hot, dry and just a lovely event! Also performing other nights of the festival are Jim
Donovan's "Drum the Ecstatic International" and Dragon Ritual Drummers to name a few. There's workshops aplenty and good times to be had.
Joining me onstage shall be Colter Harper and Preach Freedom of Rusted Root with special guests Billy Woods and Miguel Sague Jr.
I have recently discovered how to tweet with photos. It's been a fascinating learning curve, I am kind of worried about the photo I took with a very suggestive desert the Amoeba and I shared over our
8th Anniversary dinner but otherwise it's pretty exciting. So far I have posted on my twitter pictures of fire, cult heroes, signs advertising fireworks and fudge, so if you want in on the digital action follow me on twitter
Be well, stay warm, and if you can't figure out your appointments,
consult your local time chicken.
On a sadder note, this week we lost two great men, two bright souls are making the ether a lot brighter and far hipper than it was 2 days ago, and Rest in Peace
Gene Ludwig. Without you this world would have been a much less hip place. Your soul flew through your body, out your fingers and into the hearts of your fans, of which I was one. We shall miss you greatly. I loved singing with you the one time we shared a stage together. Pittsburgh can be thankful for many things, one of the greatest moments for me was when you played for Sandy Staley. God bless.
Rest in Peace
Harvey Pekar, we met at Starwood 2009 and you came to my camp to use my phone. We tried to feed you but you said you had cheese sandwiches. I wasn't sure if you were afraid of what we might feed you or if you just really liked cheese sandwiches. Either way, thanks for signing that book for my husband. I will miss you.
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