Dr. Nelson Harrison


Pittsburgh, PA

United States

Profile Information:

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Pittsburgh Connection
Born raised and embedded in Pittsburgh. Crescent Elementary, Baxter Jr. High, Westinghouse High and University of Pittsburgh.
Favorite Pittsburgh musicians/performers
Pittsburgh musicians are the best in the world. There are too many to name especially since I have played here for 50+ years. I have had the honor and privilege of playing with a few of the legends of Pittsburgh, e.g., Billy Eckstine, Earl "Fatha" Hines, Kenny Clarke, Art Blakey, Stanley Turrentine, Sam Johnson, Joe Harris, J.C. Moses, Dakota Staton, Lena Horne, Grover Mitchell and Walt Harper.. My mentoring came from Warren Watson, Joe Westray, Carl Arter, Eddie "Rabbit" Barnes, Sam Hurt, Harold & Jerry Betters, Jerry Elliot, Bobby Jones, Art Nance, Cecil Brooks II, Bobby Boswell and Ahmad Jamal. My teachers were Fanetta Gordon, Carl McVicker, Sr. and Matty Shiner. My favorite pianist of all is Ahmad Jamal. If I went further to include my peer group down through the young lions of today I would run out of space.
Favorite Jazz Radio or media station
WZUM, WYEP (blues), WRCT

Favorite Pittsburgh Jazz Venue
The Crawford Grill #2 is my favorite stage to play in the entire world. There was also the Midway Lounge, the Hurricane, the Diplomat, the Ebony Lounge, the Crescendo, the Rendevous, the Florentine, the Loendi Club, the Local #471 Musicians' Club in S'Liberty, Horseley's, the Loft, Ramseys II, the Pirate Inn, the Copa, the Encore I & II, the Pink Cloud, the Pitt Pot, the Black Magic, the Tiger's Tail, the Zebra Room, etc. to bring back a few memories of the erstwhile clubs.
About Me:
Ph. D. in clinical psychology, educator, composer, archivist, lyricist, arranger, ASCAP, playwright, speaker, photographer; veteran trombonist of the Count Basie Orchestra featuring Joe Williams, Sarah Vaughan, Helen Humes, Joe Turner, Eddie Vinson, Dennis Rowland (‘78-80 incl. Japan tour); played with Dionne Warwicke, The Supremesm The Spinners, Eddie Kendricks, and The Temptations (’64), Joe Westray, Brooke Benton, Earl Grant, Mary Wells (1962 – 72); Sonny and the Premiers (1963 – 67); Walt Harper (1967-70); Brook Benton, Earl Grant, Chuck Jackson, Gene Ludwig, James Brown (’67-68); Nathan Davis (1970-75); Lena Horne and Tony Bennett (‘74), Don Byas, Billy Eckstine and Earl "Fatha" Hines (1975), Marva Josie, Martha Reeves, Barry White ('76), Kenny Clarke (‘79), Liberace (’77), Nancy Wilson and Melba Moore (’78), J.C. Heard, Charlie Gabriel, Marcus Belgrave ('78), Sammy Davis, Jr. and Aretha Franklin (’79 & 2015), Perry Como and Johnny Mathis (‘80), Bobby Vinton (’81), Ginger Rogers, Jerry Butler, Teddy Pendergrass, George Gobel, Red Skelton, the Smothers Brothers, Joan Rivers, Lola Falana, Donna Summer, Engelbert Humperdinck and Glenn Campbell (’82), Jay McShann (‘87), Slide Hampton (‘86), Nelson Riddle (’84) Al Cohn, Marvin Hamlisch (’97) and the Preservation Hall Jazz Band in New Orleans (’98) Irma Thomas, also Jimmy Owens, Joe Lastie, Gerald French, John Clayton, Bobby Plater, Freddie Green, Cleveland Eaton, Gerald Wilson, Stanley Turrentine, Tommy Turrentine, Dr. David Baker, Butch Miles, Duffy Jackson, Karlton Hester, Arnett Cobb, Pauly Cohen, Ramon Morris, Geri Allen, Jothan Callins, Donald Byrd, Freddie Redd, Larry Ridley, Jack McDuff, J.C. Moses, Nathan East, Andy Bey ('77), Nathan Davis ('70-'75) to name only a few; inventor of the "Trombetto," a compact brass instrument with four valves that plays a chromatic range of six octaves with a trombone mouthpiece; played at festivals in New Orleans, London, Edinburg, Sacramento, New York City, Seattle; clinics and lectures in Santa Cruz and San Jose, CA, Quebec City and Montreal, Canada, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cleveland, New York and Toronto; scores written to movies by Georg Sanford Brown and John Russo and plays by Richard Wright, August Wilson and Rob Penny; lyricist of 125 bop standards; featured horn soloist avec vocalese with the Pittsburgh Connection Big Band at the 2007 IAJE Convention in NYC; nationally recognized expert on Pittsburgh jazz history.

Currently active in Pittsburgh with The Blues Orphans, Wee Jams, Studio-E Band, George Gee Orchestra, the Boilermaker Jazz Band and my own The World According to Bop, Jazz ‘N Jive, Dr. Jazz and the Salty Dawgs, Blue to the Bone, and Nelson Harrison and Associates and Ronnie Jones and Jazz Conversations.

Discography: Live at the Attic (1969) with the Walt Harper Quintet (Birmingham Label); Makatuka (1970) (Segue Label) and Suite for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1971) (Tomorrow International Label) with Nathan Davis; Kansas City Shout (1980) with the Count Basie Orchestra (Pablo Label); On A Coconut Island( 1993), Don't Give Up the Ship (1995), Burgundy Street Blues (1996) and Honky Tonk Town (1997) with the Boilermaker Jazz Band (Biograph Label); Tuesday Night at James Street (2002) with the RH Factor, Don’t Give Up (2003) with the Roger Humphries Big Band; Moonlit River (2003) songs by Fred Moolten, (MGO Media Label); 21st-Century Musicism (2005) compositions by Karlton E. Hester (Hesteria Records); If I Can’t Dance, It’s Not My Revolution (2006) Anne Feeney; Schism ‘n Blues (2005) & Root Rot (2007) with the Blues Orphans (Staggerin’ Fitz Label) which are the first commercial recordings of the trombetto, Not from Concentrate (2007) Genie Walker & Harmonique (Hip Tip Label).

He is is cited in the Marquis publication Who’s Who in the East (1979, The Jazz Men by Larry Tye, Mariner Books (2024)and August Wilson: A Life by Patti Hartigan, Simon & Schuster (2023); received the Renaissance Too Magazine Professional Men in Jazz Award (1989) and the East Liberty Hall of Fame (1991), the Westinghouse High School Hall of Fame (1995), Evolution of Jazz: Bridging the Gap Mentors Award (2006), the Walt Harper All That Jazz Award (2008), the Legacy Arts Project Keepers of the Flame Award (2008), the Build the Hill Award (2008) and the MCG Jazz Pittsburgh Legends of Jazz Award (2008), African American Council on the Arts Rob Penny Lifetime Achievement Award (2009), Jazz Journalists Association (JJA) Jazz Heroes Award (2015).

Artist or Fan
artist, fan, industry professional, student, media

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  • Celeste Taylor

    Thanks Nelson. So nice to be amongst Jazz lovin' friends.

  • Lindsley W. Love

    Ok, coool!
  • Ben

    glad to be added as a friend.....Pgh is magic for its roots and down home lovin feelings......keep the jazz feelings alive....very precious........and priceless.....
  • Mohammad Abdulaziz

    Hi Nelson, yes I think I was talking to you at a JAZZ talk last year my brother Joe Lewis and I attended I think you had a small Trumpet with you when you gave your talk about the soul in Jazz without all the song and play sheets, just play from the soul. We enjoyed that episode. Anyway, I attended some of your gigs long ago, but I did not personally meet to greet you because I was in the Air Force and didn't stay in Pgh long in those days. I will be returning to the Burgh" in the summer months of June or July for a few months vacdation God Willing. So I hope to get in toudh with you then. Take care my brother and keep the Jazz rolling in PITTSBURGH.
  • Don Cerminara

    there's little doubt, the best in Pgh on "tubs", is Roger...he deserves recognition
  • Don Cerminara

    there's little doubt, the best in pgh on "tubs" is Humphries. He deserves recognition!
  • Rob Jones

    Thanks, Dr. Harris. No doubt about it, I'm looking forward to it as well. It should be quite a show. Its not a typical performance for the Palace Theater, and I hope it will be well attended by Pittsburgh jazz lovers.
  • Jeff Lashway

    Hey Nelson...long time. Cool site...gotta remember to check it out more often. Hope you are well! Just got back from a great vacation in the motherland...New Orleans. Man I miss it.
  • Gary Walker

    Hey Nelson, it's been a long time I miss the Burg and all the good players LA is a lot diffrent a bit cold not worm hearted like home I cant believe it has been almost 20 years when I decited to hed for LA my last job was on the Gateway Clipper with Roger Hump.
    I am out now I have 4 more dated to do in Japan then I head back home.
    I come back to my home town every year "Connellsville Pa." I hope I have the chance to hit the Burg and see all my old friends.
    stay blessed and keep in touch.
  • Mark Koch

    Hey Nelson, Congrats on creating a very cool site!!
  • Jeff Lashway

    Hey man...I didn't even see you. We had just slogged through a very expensive and VERY BAD meal...and I just wasn't in the mood to stand to hear the music...although they sounded great! Stop out at Gullifty's some Wed.
  • Rick Toliver

    Gotcha Bra,
    The train seems to be on the track going forward. I want to ride for a while then put on my engineering hat!
    Take care
    Ricky T
  • Joe Shirk

    Your class is wonderful -- really opens our eyes!

    Keep up the great work.
  • Gottfried Laube



  • Dan Wasson

    per Ethan's calendar question :
    How do I add a calendar to my member page?

    How do I add a calendar to my network?

    (sorry, don't know how make links here)
  • Jagsu

    yeah, you're right!
  • Harold Walker

    Keep up the good work. Peaceful Rhythms always ,Harold
  • Lee Greene

    Hey Nelson,
    Send me those updates from the Burg. I miss all my old friends and been away a long time. Do you ever see Eric Suesoff ? give all my best,

  • Tony Janflone Jr

    Thanks for the well wishes Nelson . I'm hangin' in . I have an appointment with a neurosurgeon next week ...... we'll see how that goes . Many blessings to you my friend !
  • Bob Crafton

    Thanks for the invitation, Nelson!
  • stephen boyd

    Hey Nelson, What a great surprise to reconnect with you! Nice to know we're back in touch. Been thinking about getting back there when the weather breaks; miss the Pittsburgh vibe and the Pittsburgh people. I'll keep you posted; definitely have to see you! Take Care!! Steph
  • Betsy Price

    Thanks for the welcome, sweetie pie. It's nice to hear from friends from the 'burg.
  • Joe Shirk

    Nelson -

    Would like info on the school for Rosemarie to learn piano in Homewood -- could not find on the net.

  • ken kovach

    Hi Nelson.....What a great idea.....this is a great way to keep everyone in touch.....God Bless :)
  • Betsy Price

    Jaime is pregnant again, Hannah (the world's most perfect granddaughter) is getting ready to be 3 and is smart as a whip, there is no where near here to hear good music, but other than that, this is paradise.
  • Max Leake

    Thanks Nelson. This is great if nothing else for keeping in touch with other players. I did have a ball at Roger's tribute!
  • Christopher Dean Sullivan

    Hey Brotha' Nelson, I trust you are doing well and, as always, staying healthy. I just want to thank you for bringing us all together again. This is something I really jumped on. The next time I'm in town I will be in touch. It will be a groove for me to hang with you for a bit...you digg...peace
  • Janelle Burdell

    wow! smokin' nelson! Howie! Whee! Here we go! got a few files moved over. a lil bit better. it's a start! oh my wait til i go out west and grab those sam johnson tapes. wheeeeee! xo, -j
  • Janelle Burdell

    Baby! Wow! So many old friends....I'm smilin' so hard I can't tll you! Tre cool! xo, -j
  • Frank B. Greenlee

    Nelson, I did check out McGee yesterday and that is so slick. I will post things as I find them. Remember the Savoy Ballroom with Van. James "Blood" Ulmer palyed with me when we were with the sining group tha "Savoys" back in 1958 & 1959 he left town with Jewel Bryner.
  • Billy Kuhn

    Nelson, great idea to keep people in touch and in your thoughts. It's great to see names like Butch McGee and Rabbit Barnes. As busy as everyone can get, it's nice to have a space to drop into every so often to share timely ideas and great memories.
  • Andy Yalch

    Thanks Nelson!
  • Sal Richetti

    Nelson,I will try to update my info/profile soon. Thanks for putting this site togerher,all we need now are more venues to play at.
  • Sal Richetti

    Nelson maybe this summer we can create a jazz festivel and maybe this can be a part fundraiser for some benefit and add sponserships. I have some ideas on how this can work. Lets talk sometime soon
  • Floreece Davis

    Hey Nelson...this is Floreece...If you have any influence in this area, I"d like to se a jazz photo on the resturant wall of the Blues place in Waterfront called Red Hot And Blue...(nice place) of myself to be with all the other contributers of the music....Thanks
  • Dan Wasson

    Nelson, thanks again for creating this site. A couple of questions : there was a bunch of Phyllis Hyman here last week, any idea where it went? Also, thanks for making a place to post Henrietta Goree's obit, but I can't figure out how to remove the discussion. Thanks
  • Michele Bensen

    Hey there fellow Sag,
    Did you see the photos I just found of Sam Johnson at that gig we did a thousand years ago. Can you remember where the gig was? And also who was the drummer? I'm still finding more photos of some folks who are gone now. The Network is getting bigger, way cool.
  • Dan Wasson

    ok, sounds good, thx
  • Perry Bergman

    Thanks, Nelson

    This is really an incredible website in terms of everthing that is available on it.

    Best Regards,

  • Adam Brock

    thanks for the invite! i just posted music so everyone can hear me on here too! this is a great tool to connect with eachother
  • David Shane

    I'm so deeply impressed with this site! Thank you for allowing me in! I hope I have the time soon to add, share, contact, and explore! Very excited, I am, and will remain, your friend and student - David Shane
  • Eric Spaulding

    Nelson, it's all about sound to me. I have a Jimmy Forrest hour every weekend - just listening to his sides on Prestige. And Red! The man who could drive audiences wild with rhythmic, one note variations! Sad that so few young jazz tenor players don't check out where guys like Arnett Cobb, Marchel Ivery, Ike Quebec and Illinois Jacquet were coming from!

    I'm going to post a couple sound and vid clips here in the next day or so! I caught you down at the AVA lounge a month ago or so. I'm gonna bring my tenor down next Monday and maybe play a tune or two.
  • Phil The Knight

    Thanks Nelson. It's great to be here>

  • Richy Muckle

    Hey Nelson,
    How are you? Great thing you have here!
    I just arrived home from my gig. I have been playing alot, and teaching even more. I have been teaching private drum lessons at Johnstonbaugh's Music Center in Bridgeville. It has really taken off.
    How about you? Hope you are doing well, and I'm sure you are still sounding great. Also, thanks for the welcome!
    Keep in touch; talk to you soon.
    Richy Muckle
  • Paul Metzke

    Hey Nelson,
    Thanks for inviting me over here to Jazzburg. Cool website.
    I've played with all those guys in the Trombone Quartet video.
    Especially the Rhythm Section, from way back.
    All the Best,
    Paul Metzke
  • Geoff Lapp Trio

    Hi Nelson..yes indeed..I took a brief look.. what a history ...Thanks for the invite...btw..

    Has the snow dissappeared..we still have mega amounts of it...

  • Steve Tannenbaum

    Dear Nelson,
    I enjoyed your Osher class very much, and I was sorry that I missed the last class--I had the flu. I very much like to hang around Galifty's on Wednesday nites to hear Kenny Blake and whoever shows up to jam. Hope to see you there sometime, or perhaps at Katz Plaza this summer.
    Regards, Steve T
  • Jessica Lee

    Cool network, Nelson! Thanks for the invite!
  • Dave Yoho

    Hey Bulldog!
    Very cool site. I'll be jammin' with you soon. Thanks & take care Nelson